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web hosting suggestion

Forum rund um das Thema Hardware für Webmaster.
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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 09.08.2010, 18:36

Beitrag von sausage85 » 09.08.2010, 18:51

Hello everybody

First I have to apologize for writing in english. I understand just a little of german language, but not enough to write ;)
I just hope there will be somebody able to help me :)

So, here is my problem:
In near future I would like to build 10 - 20 small web sites. Sites would contain articles with approx 300-500 words...just simple web sites, describing some products, giving personal opinion, etc.

To do that I would need a good German web-hosting program, right?
Which company would you suggest for my example would be the best in the meaning of: good support, affordable price for hosting program, online time, other benefits-promotions.

Btw, is it possible for me as a foreigner to have a .de domain?

Thank you very much for your answers ;)
