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Neues von Yahoo

Alles Rund um Bing, Yahoo! Suche und andere Suchmaschinen.
Neues Thema Antworten
PostRank 10
PostRank 10
Beiträge: 6249
Registriert: 12.05.2003, 14:44

Beitrag von viggen » 28.02.2004, 13:18

Tim-YahooGuy hat geschrieben:The primary means of generating our index is via our free crawl, using our new Yahoo! Slurp crawler. Yahoo! Slurp discovers pages by following links on the web. We update our index with a daily crawl to gather newly created and fast-changing URLs, as well as our main crawl which updates our index incrementally twice per week.
We supplement this free crawl with the paid inclusion program, which allows us to add dynamic database content and other content that we could not otherwise discover and crawl. Currently less than 1% of our index is content that is included via our inclusion programs.

Our paid inclusion programs provide a superior way for sites to interact with us in a clearly structured fashion. These sites get the following
1) Control over which URLs they include in the index (subject to content
2) Frequent refresh
3) Clearly defined way to interact with us (for example: clear feed
4) Quality review and consultation (for feed customers)
5) Detailed reporting to track and optimize performance
6) Customer service
http ://www.webmasterworld.com/forum35/1790.htm
Also praktisch wird das PFI (paid for inclusion) für dynamische Seiten relevant sein. (Forum, Datenbanken, etc..