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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING

Ajax, Hijax, Microformats, RDF, Markup, HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL, htaccess, robots.txt, CGI, Java, Javascript usw.
Neues Thema Antworten
PostRank 1
PostRank 1
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 05.11.2008, 10:25

Beitrag von Naildesigner-Fachforum » 05.11.2008, 10:30

ich wollte folgendes PHP Script auf meiner Domain laufen lassen (Ist ein Burning Board Script), erhalte allerdings folgende Fehlermeldung:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /homepages/4/d160717726/htdocs/forum/install.php on line 38

Da ich keine Ahnung von PHP habe, weiß ich nicht wirklich, wo der Fehler liegt. Könnt Ihr mir helfen?

Hier das gesamte Script:

* This script tries to find the temp folder and unzip all setup files into.
* @author Marcel Werk
* @copyright 2001-2007 WoltLab GmbH
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License <https://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
// define constants
define('INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
define('SETUP_FILE', INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR . 'WCFSetup.tar.gz');
define('NO_IMPORTS', true);

// set exception handler
// set php error handler
set_error_handler('handleError', E_ALL);

// define list of needed file
$neededFilesPattern = array(

// define needed functions and classes
* WCF::handleException() calls the show method on exceptions that implement this interface.
* @package com.woltlab.wcf.system.exception
* @author Marcel Werk
interface PrintableException {
public function show();

// define needed classes
// needed are:
// SystemException, PrintableException, BasicFileUtil, Tar, File, ZipFile
* A SystemException is thrown when an unexpected error occurs.
* @package com.woltlab.wcf.system.exception
* @author Marcel Werk
class SystemException extends Exception implements PrintableException {
protected $description;
protected $information = '';
protected $functions = '';

* Creates a new SystemException.
* @param message string error message
* @param code integer error code
* @param description string description of the error
public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, $description = '') {
parent::__construct($message, $code);
$this->description = $description;

* Returns the description of this exception.
* @return string
public function getDescription() {
return $this->description;

* Prints this exception.
* This method is called by WCF::handleException().
public function show() {
<title>Fatal error: <?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage()); ?></title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 0.8em;
div {
border: 1px outset lightgrey;
padding: 3px;
background-color: lightgrey;

div div {
border: 1px inset lightgrey;
padding: 4px;

h1 {
background-color: #154268;
padding: 4px;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 0 3px 0;
font-size: 1.15em;
h2 {
font-size: 1.1em;
margin-bottom: 0;

pre, p {
margin: 0;
<h1>Fatal error: <?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage()); ?></h1>

<p><?php echo $this->getDescription(); ?></p>
<?php if ($this->getCode()) { ?><p>You get more information about the problem in our knowledge base: <a href="https://www.woltlab.com/help/?code=<?php echo intval($this->getCode()); ?>">https://www.woltlab.com/help/?code=<?php echo intval($this->getCode()); ?></a></p><?php } ?>

<b>error message:</b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage()); ?><br />
<b>error code:</b> <?php echo intval($this->getCode()); ?><br />
<?php echo $this->information; ?>
<b>file:</b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getFile()); ?> (<?php echo $this->getLine(); ?>)<br />
<b>php version:</b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars(phpversion()); ?><br />
<b>wcf version:</b> <?php if (defined('WCF_VERSION')) echo WCF_VERSION; ?><br />
<b>date:</b> <?php echo gmdate('r'); ?><br />
<b>request:</b> <?php if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?><br />
<b>referer:</b> <?php if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); ?><br />

<pre><?php echo htmlspecialchars($this->getTraceAsString()); ?></pre>

<?php echo $this->functions; ?>


* Loads the required classes automatically.
function __autoload($className) {
// test whether the file exist
if (!file_exists(TMP_DIR . TMP_FILE_PREFIX . $className . '.class.php')) {
throw new SystemException('Unable to find class ' . $className . ' in temp folder');

// include file
require_once(TMP_DIR . TMP_FILE_PREFIX . $className . '.class.php');

* Escapes strings for execution in sql queries.
function escapeString($string) {
return WCF::getDB()->escapeString($string);

* Calls the show method on the given exception.
* @param Exception $e
function handleException(Exception $e) {
if ($e instanceof PrintableException) {

print $e;

* Catches php errors and throws instead a system exception.
* @param integer $errorNo
* @param string $message
* @param string $filename
* @param integer $lineNo
function handleError($errorNo, $message, $filename, $lineNo) {
if (error_reporting() != 0) {
$type = 'error';
switch ($errorNo) {
case 2: $type = 'warning';
case 8: $type = 'notice';

throw new SystemException('PHP '.$type.' in file '.$filename.' ('.$lineNo.'): '.$message, 0);

* BasicFileUtil contains file-related functions.
* @package com.woltlab.wcf.util
* @author Marcel Werk
class BasicFileUtil {
* Tries to find the temp folder.
* @return string
public static function getTempFolder() {
// use tmp folder in document root by default
if (!empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'strato') !== false) {
// strato bugfix
// create tmp folder in document root automatically
if (!@file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp')) {
@mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp/', 0777);
@chmod($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp/', 0777);
if (@file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp') && @is_writable($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp')) {
return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tmp/';

if (isset($_ENV['TMP']) && @is_writable($_ENV['TMP'])) {
return $_ENV['TMP'] . '/';
if (isset($_ENV['TEMP']) && @is_writable($_ENV['TEMP'])) {
return $_ENV['TEMP'] . '/';
if (isset($_ENV['TMPDIR']) && @is_writable($_ENV['TMPDIR'])) {
return $_ENV['TMPDIR'] . '/';

// workaround for a bug in php 5.1.2 that returns true for is_writable('/tmp/') with safe_mode = on
if (!preg_match('/^5\.1\.2(?![.0-9])/', phpversion())) {
if (($path = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')) && @is_writable($path)) {
return $path . '/';
if (@file_exists('/tmp/') && @is_writable('/tmp/')) {
return '/tmp/';
if (function_exists('session_save_path') && ($path = session_save_path()) && @is_writable($path)) {
return $path . '/';

$path = INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR.'tmp/';
if (@file_exists($path) && @is_writable($path)) {
return $path;
else {
if (ini_get('safe_mode')) $reason = "due to php safe_mode restrictions";
else $reason = "due to an unknown reason";
throw new SystemException('There is no access to the system temporary folder '.$reason.' and no user specific temporary folder exists in '.INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR.'! This is a misconfiguration of your webserver software! Please create a folder called '.$path.' using your favourite ftp program, make it writable and then retry this installation.', 10000);

* Opens tar or tar.gz archives.
* Usage:
* ------
* $tar = new Tar('archive.tar');
* $contentList = $tar->getContentList();
* foreach ($contentList as $key => $val) {
* $tar->extract($key, DESTINATION);
* }
class Tar {
protected $archiveName = '';
protected $contentList = array();
protected $opened = false;
protected $read = false;
protected $file = null;
protected $isZipped = false;
protected $mode = 'rb';

* Creates a new Tar object.
* archiveName must be tarball or gzipped tarball
* @param string $archiveName
public function __construct($archiveName) {
$match = array();
if (!is_file($archiveName)) {
throw new SystemException("unable to find tar archive '".$archiveName."'", 11002);

$this->archiveName = $archiveName;

* Destructor of this class, closes tar archive.
public function __destruct() {

* Opens the tar archive and stores filehandle.
public function open() {
if (!$this->opened) {
if ($this->isZipped) $this->file = new ZipFile($this->archiveName, $this->mode);
else {
// test compression
$this->file = new File($this->archiveName, $this->mode);
if ($this->file->read(2) == "\37\213") {
$this->isZipped = true;
$this->file = new ZipFile($this->archiveName, $this->mode);
else {
$this->opened = true;

* Closes the opened file.
public function close() {
if ($this->opened) {
$this->opened = false;

* Returns the table of contents (TOC) list for this tar archive.
* @return array list of content
public function getContentList() {
if (!$this->read) {
return $this->contentList;

* Returns an associative array with information
* about a specific file in the archive.
* @param mixed $fileindex index or name of the requested file
* @return array $fileInfo
public function getFileInfo($fileIndex) {
if (!is_int($fileIndex)) {
$fileIndex = $this->getIndexByFilename($fileIndex);

if (!isset($this->contentList[$fileIndex])) {
throw new SystemException("Tar: could find file '$index' in archive", 11013);
return $this->contentList[$fileIndex];

* Searchs a file in the tar archive
* and returns the numeric fileindex.
* Returns false if not found.
* @param string $filename
* @return integer index of the requested file
public function getIndexByFilename($filename) {
foreach ($this->contentList as $index => $file) {
if ($file['filename'] == $filename) {
return $index;
return false;

* Extracts a specific file and returns the content as string.
* Returns false if extraction failed.
* @param mixed $index index or name of the requested file
* @return string content of the requested file
public function extractToString($index) {
if (!$this->read) {
$header = $this->getFileInfo($index);

// can not extract a folder
if ($header['type'] != 'file') {
return false;

// seek to offset

// read data
$content = '';
$n = floor($header['size'] / 512);
for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$content .= $this->file->read(512);
if(($header['size'] % 512) != 0) {
$buffer = $this->file->read(512);
$content .= substr($buffer, 0, ($header['size'] % 512));

return $content;

* Extracts a specific file and writes it's content
* to the file specified with $destination.
* @param mixed $index index or name of the requested file
* @param string $destination
* @return boolean $success
public function extract($index, $destination) {
if (!$this->read) {
$header = $this->getFileInfo($index);

// can not extract a folder
if ($header['type'] != 'file') {
return false;

// seek to offset

$targetFile = new File($destination);

// read data
$n = floor($header['size'] / 512);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
$content = $this->file->read(512);
$targetFile->write($content, 512);
if (($header['size'] % 512) != 0) {
$content = $this->file->read(512);
$targetFile->write($content, ($header['size'] % 512));

if (function_exists('apache_get_version') || !@$targetFile->is_writable()) {
else {

if ($header['mtime']) {

// check filesize
if (filesize($destination) != $header['size']) {
throw new SystemException("Could not untar file '".$header['filename']."' to '".$destination."'. Maybe disk quota exceeded in folder '".dirname($destination)."'.", 11015);

return true;

* Reads table of contents (TOC) from tar archive.
* This does not get the entire to memory but only parts of it.
protected function readContent() {
$this->contentList = array();
$this->read = true;
$i = 0;

// Read the 512 bytes header
while (strlen($binaryData = $this->file->read(512)) != 0) {
// read header
$header = $this->readHeader($binaryData);
if ($header === false) {
$this->contentList[$i] = $header;
$this->contentList[$i]['index'] = $i;

$this->file->seek($this->file->tell() + (512 * ceil(($header['size'] / 512))));

* Unpacks file header for one file entry.
* @param string $binaryData
* @return array $fileheader
protected function readHeader($binaryData) {
if (strlen($binaryData) != 512) {
return false;

$header = array();
$checksum = 0;
// First part of the header
for ($i = 0; $i < 148; $i++) {
$checksum += ord(substr($binaryData, $i, 1));
// Calculate the checksum
// Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ' ' (space)
for ($i = 148; $i < 156; $i++) {
$checksum += ord(' ');
// Last part of the header
for ($i = 156; $i < 512; $i++) {
$checksum += ord(substr($binaryData, $i, 1));

// Extract the values
$data = unpack("a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1typeflag/a100link/a6magic/a2version/a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor", $binaryData);

// Extract the properties
$header['checksum'] = OctDec(trim($data['checksum']));
if($header['checksum'] == $checksum) {
$header['filename'] = trim($data['filename']);
$header['mode'] = OctDec(trim($data['mode']));
$header['uid'] = OctDec(trim($data['uid']));
$header['gid'] = OctDec(trim($data['gid']));
$header['size'] = OctDec(trim($data['size']));
$header['mtime'] = OctDec(trim($data['mtime']));
if(($header['typeflag'] = $data['typeflag']) == '5') {
$header['size'] = 0;
$header['type'] = 'folder';
else {
$header['type'] = 'file';
$header['offset'] = $this->file->tell();

return $header;
else {
return false;

* The File class handles all file operations.
* Example:
* using php functions:
* $fp = fopen('filename', 'wb');
* fwrite($fp, '...');
* fclose($fp);
* using this class:
* $file = new File('filename');
* $file->write('...');
* $file->close();
* @author Marcel Werk
class File {
protected $resource = null;
protected $filename;

* Opens a new file.
* @param string $filename
* @param string $mode
public function __construct($filename, $mode = 'wb') {
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->resource = fopen($filename, $mode);
if ($this->resource === false) {
throw new SystemException('Can not open file ' . $filename, 11012);

* Calls the specified function on the open file.
* Do not call this function directly. Use $file->write('') instead.
* @param string $function
* @param array $arguments
public function __call($function, $arguments) {
if (function_exists('f' . $function)) {
array_unshift($arguments, $this->resource);
return call_user_func_array('f' . $function, $arguments);
else if (function_exists($function)) {
array_unshift($arguments, $this->filename);
return call_user_func_array($function, $arguments);
else {
throw new SystemException('Can not call file method ' . $function, 11003);

* The File class handles all file operations on a zipped file.
* @author Marcel Werk
class ZipFile extends File {
* Opens a new zipped file.
* @param string $filename
* @param string $mode
public function __construct($filename, $mode = 'wb') {
$this->filename = $filename;
if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
throw new SystemException('Can not find functions of the zlib extension', 11004);
$this->resource = @gzopen($filename, $mode);
if ($this->resource === false) {
throw new SystemException('Can not open file ' . $filename, 11012);

* Calls the specified function on the open file.
* @param string $function
* @param array $arguments
public function __call($function, $arguments) {
if (function_exists('gz' . $function)) {
array_unshift($arguments, $this->resource);
return call_user_func_array('gz' . $function, $arguments);
else if (function_exists($function)) {
array_unshift($arguments, $this->filename);
return call_user_func_array($function, $arguments);
else {
throw new SystemException('Can not call method ' . $function, 11003);

* Returns the filesize of the unzipped file
public function getFileSize() {
$byteBlock = 1<<14;
$eof = $byteBlock;

// the correction is for zip files that are too small
// to get in the first while loop
$correction = 1;
while ($this->seek($eof) == 0) {
$eof += $byteBlock;
$correction = 0;

while ($byteBlock > 1) {
$byteBlock >>= 1;
$eof += $byteBlock * ($this->seek($eof) ? -1 : 1);

if ($this->seek($eof) == -1) $eof -= 1;

return $eof - $correction;

// let's go
// try to find the temp folder
define('TMP_DIR', BasicFileUtil::getTempFolder());

// get temp file prefix
if (isset($_REQUEST['tmpFilePrefix'])) {
$prefix = preg_replace('/[^a-f0-9_]+/', '', $_REQUEST['tmpFilePrefix']);
else {
$prefix = substr(sha1(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 8) . '_';
define('TMP_FILE_PREFIX', $prefix);

// show image from temp folder
if (isset($_GET['showImage'])) {
if (preg_match('~\w+\.jpg~', $_GET['showImage'])) {
header('Content-Type: image/jpg');
readfile(TMP_DIR . TMP_FILE_PREFIX . $_GET['showImage']);

// check whether setup files already unzipped
if (!file_exists(TMP_DIR . TMP_FILE_PREFIX . 'WCFSetup.class.php')) {
// try to unzip all setup files into temp folder
$tar = new Tar(SETUP_FILE);
$contentList = $tar->getContentList();
if (!count($contentList)) {
throw new SystemException("Can not unpack 'WCFSetup.tar.gz'. File is probably broken.", 11016);

foreach ($contentList as $file) {
// we don't need any folders
if ($file['type'] != 'folder') {
// unzip file if pattern match
foreach ($neededFilesPattern as $pattern) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $file['filename'])) {
$tar->extract($file['index'], TMP_DIR . TMP_FILE_PREFIX . basename($file['filename']));

if (!class_exists('WCFSetup')) {
throw new SystemException("Can not find class 'WCFSetup'", 11006);

// start setup
new WCFSetup();

Vielen Dank und Liebe Grüße